
Weekly Worship Gatherings • Sundays @ 10:00am


Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday

Come join us for a 30-minute Ash Wednesday service, a time of reflection and preparation as we step into the season of Lent. This gathering, held in the A1 Room, will be a quiet and contemplative time offering space to pause, pray, and center our hearts on Jesus.

The service will include a brief meditation, moments of reflection, and the imposition of ashes, a meaningful reminder of our dependence on God’s grace.

All are welcome, including kids, so if you or someone you know would like to participate, we invite you to join us.

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Blood Donation Drive

Blood Donation Drive

As part of living as a blessing to those who are hurting in this area that God has called us, Highway will be partnering with Stanford Blood Center to host a blood donation drive.

The drive will be hosted here at the church campus on Sunday, March 16, starting before our morning worship service and continuing on past lunch time. Reserve a time slot HERE.

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Blueberry Brunch

Blueberry Brunch

We're excited to come together again in 2025 for another Blueberry Brunch! These brunches are informal gatherings around yummy food for folks 50 and over.

Just as blueberries are high in anti-oxidants and good for our health so are Blueberry Brunches good for our wellbeing. Science and experience both show just how vital friendship and good relationships are for our flourishing as human beings. Almost like God created us to be in community or something…?! 

So come join in for all these good reasons, and connect with others here at Highway!

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Galentines Gathering

Galentines Gathering

Calling all Highway women! Join us for a Galentine’s Gathering — a special time following Sunday’s worship service to share in some fun and creativity together! Whether you’re new or have been around for awhile, come catch up with friends, deepen relationships, and make new connections over yummy snacks and fun activities. Please RSVP here so we can plan accordingly.

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Jemar Tisby: Stories of the Spirit of Justice

Jemar Tisby: Stories of the Spirit of Justice

We're excited to co-sponsor this event with Spark Church as we welcome renowned author and speaker Dr. Jemar Tisby. This is a multi-faceted event with family-friendly components, including a book fair for all ages and a book signing for students.

Dr. Tisby is the author of Color of Compromise, a book Highway used as a discussion group curriculum just a couple years ago. He has 3 new books related to The Spirit of Justice, including his new picture book for our littlest ones and a book for youth. You can find event details and register HERE (please do RSVP if you plan to come to any portion of this event). 

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Community Sunday: Lunar New Year

Community Sunday: Lunar New Year

Lunar New Year is a two-week celebration that starts on Jan. 29 this year. This annual event is celebrated by many Asian cultures and many people in our Highway community. It's one of the most important holidays of the year in countries including China, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia and the Philippines. 

The Lunar New Year festivals traditionally include gathering around food with family and friends. In that spirit we will be throwing a little festive potluck of Asian snacks as a church Community after Sunday service.

On Feb. 2, we'll set up tables in the courtyard for finger foods and special drinks. These can be store-bought or homemade. If you’d like to contribute, please add your name and item to this POTLUCK SIGN UP SHEET so we can plan accordingly.

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Highway Olympics WINTER X GAMES

Highway Olympics WINTER X GAMES

  • 2050 Miramonte Avenue Mountain View, CA, 94040 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Highway Olympics WINTER X GAMES!
Wednesday, Jan 15 | 6:00 - 8:00pm

Get excited cause we’re about to host the first annual Highway Olympics WINTER X GAMES!

For two hours we will split into teams and compete in silly, goofy games to see who will win the Highway Olympics trophy. This is an all ages event created strictly out of a desire to have fun and goof-off together. All the games will take place in the backyard at our church campus.

We’ll have snacks, drinks, and a pizza dinner will be provided!

Please sign up ahead of time so we have an estimate of how many teams/games, etc.


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Christmas Eve - 3pm Service

Christmas Eve - 3pm Service

Come and share in the joy and wonder as we remember the birth of Christ and rejoice together at his coming into the world!

Childcare is available at the 3pm service for toddlers through kindergarten

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VTA Advent Party

VTA Advent Party

Bring the Christmas joy to residents at the VTA Safe Parking Lot

Thursday, Dec 12 | 3 - 5pm

Highway is co-hosting an Advent party at the VTA safe parking lot in Mountain View. In collaboration with our friend Rosa, a former safe parking lot resident, we’re planning a fun time of crafts, food, and gifts. Safe parking lot residents and Highwayers of all ages are welcome!

This is a wonderful, family-friendly opportunity to bless our under-housed neighbors in the season of Christmas. You're invited to join in and make this party happen!

Help is needed …
• set up (2:30pm) and tear down (5:00pm)
• supervising a craft or gift table

Donations are needed…
• new water bottles (ThermoFlask, YETI, or similar)
• funds to purchase supplies and gifts


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Election Day Prayer Gathering

Election Day Prayer Gathering

Come and join with others on Election Day for a time of prayer and centering on Christ.

In this time of tumult and change, we will ground ourselves in the eternal and acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord and King. Our liturgical-style prayer, led by Pastor Julie, will include movements marked by adoration, confession, lament, supplication, and surrender. Hope to see you there!

Will be held in room A1

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Baptism Class

Baptism Class

Baptism is an important step in the journey of following Jesus.

REGISTER HERE for Highway’s November 3 class on Baptism. Following the morning worship service, this class is planned for anyone interested in getting baptized. At this class Highway staff with explore the rich meaning of baptism and the powerful story it tells of the movement from death to new life in Christ.

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Jam Session

Jam Session

Come take part in a Jam Session at Highway, hosted by some of our young adults!

Everyone, of any age, is welcome! Bring an instrument and come take part in the loose musical freedom found in jamming around familiar and unfamiliar songs. This is a fun and casual way to get to know some other musicians in the Highway community. (And even if you don’t play, you’re still welcome to come, listen, and enjoy!)

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Fall Festival

Fall Festival

A fantastic time for Highway, friends of Highway-ers, and our surrounding neighbors! This Fall Festival event is primarily geared toward elementary kids, and will be a space to enjoy games, competitions, snacks, prizes, and a bouncy house.  

Even though the focus of the event is elementary kids, we need people of all ages and stages to help us host and serve. Around 25 volunteers will be needed to run booths, prepare snacks, or create decorations.

Please consider helping us with this event! SIGN UP HERE TO HELP

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Blueberry Brunch

Blueberry Brunch

We're having our second ever Blueberry Brunch!

These brunches are informal gatherings around yummy food for folks 50 and over. Just as blueberries are high in anti-oxidants and good for our health so are Blueberry Brunches good for our wellbeing.

In fact, science shows us that people not only are happier but also live longer when they have good relationships.  In fact, science shows us that people not only are happier but also live longer when they have good relationships.  So come join in for all the good reasons, and connect with others in community! SIGN UP HERE

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Come meet up at Heritage Oaks Park after the morning worship service for a picnic, some lawn games, and a time of celebrating the arrival of our new family pastor, Cris Otonari!

If you would like to help with any part of putting this together, please let Julie Pederson know and feel free to bring your favorite lawn game!

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Jam Night

Jam Night

Some of our young adults are hosting a jam night at Highway and everyone of any age or stage is welcome! Whatever instrument you play, feel free to come, jam around on some songs, and get to know some other musicians within the community. (Even if you don’t play or sing, you’re still welcome to come and enjoy!)

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Church Work Day

Church Work Day

SIGN UP HERE to be part of the Church Work Day!

Our church building is a blessing to us and from time to time it needs a little extra love and care. So, as a way to steward this space in community, we’re gonna have a Church Work Day! There will be projects that might need some skill or experience, projects for kids and families, and some general projects for anyone to jump in with.

If you have experience in a trade like carpentry, landscaping, plumbing, electrical, etc. and would like to contribute that skill, please reach out to pastor Jake Dodson

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State of the Church Lunch

State of the Church Lunch

Come April 21 our lead pastor, Adam Hendrix, will have been in ministry at Highway for six whole months! Our Shepherd Board wanted to set aside time on this day to come together and share about the health of our church, share stories from various ministries, touch on finances, update on the search for a new Family Pastor, and pray together.

Additionally, the Stanford blood drive will be happening on campus at the same time, so set aside April 21 as a special date and come engage in all things Highway!

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Blood Donation Drive

Blood Donation Drive

As part of living as a blessing to those who are hurting in this area that God has called us, Highway will be partnering with Stanford Blood Center to host a blood donation drive.
The drive will be on Sunday morning, April 21, starting before our morning worship service and continuing through the morning on past lunch time. Click HERE for more details and to reserve a donation time slot.

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Blueberry Brunch

Blueberry Brunch

Blueberry Brunches are informal gatherings around good food for folks age 50 and over. It's a place to make and deepen friendships and we're having our first one ever after church on Sunday, April 14, in room A1.

Just as blueberries are high in anti-oxidants and good for our health so are Blueberry Brunches good for our wellbeing. I mean, the effects of loneliness and lack of good connections are equivalent to smoking a pack of cigarettes a day! So, if you're 50 and over, we hope you’ll join us. CLICK HERE for more information and to sign up.

Additionally, we need some volunteers to bring food items like soup or bread, as well as some helping hands to serve food at the event itself. Follow THIS LINK to join the volunteer team.

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Newcomer Lunch

Newcomer Lunch

Good Food. New Connections.
Getting to know a new church and finding your place in the community can be a unique challenge. If you are new here at Highway, we want to meet you in that process!

Join our staff in a lunch-time setting on Sunday, April 7. Hear about the vision of the church, get to know the pastors, ask questions, and better understand the heartbeat of Highway. This gathering will be in the Highway church office, which is just across the grass behind the auditorium (entrance is beside the deck), and will start about 15 minutes after our morning worship service concludes (guessing around 11:45).

If you know that you’ll be coming, take a moment to SIGN UP HERE.

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Easter: A Seed of Hope

Easter: A Seed of Hope

Proclaiming Christ’s victory over sin and death is the joyful Easter Sunday pinnacle for followers of Jesus!

Come for worship at 10:30am and stay for a special time of community. We’ll host an egg hunt for the little ones, starting around 11:30, and then share a delicious pancake feast together. Hope you can take part! 

If you can help with setting up tables and serving food that would be great! SIGN UP HERE to help out.

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Stations of the Cross

Stations of the Cross

This one-day event is a creative engagement with the historical church practice of prayer remembering Christ's sufferings and death. Each step along the prayer walk will provide a setting to pray or to engage in a physical experience (like tasting gall or striking a nail). These all serve as a way to help us consider with new eyes Christ’s journey to the cross. The evening will conclude with a time of worship at 7:30pm.

Help is needed the Sunday and Thursday before to prepare and set up the prayer walk. SIGN UP HERE if you can help

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Lenten Prayer Retreat

Lenten Prayer Retreat

We are separated from Jesus’ last week before His crucifixion by over 2,000 years, which feels like a vast chasm. But what if it didn’t have to feel that way? What if we could bridge that gulf--not by time travel, but by encountering Jesus differently?

Join others from Highway for a Holy Week retreat hosted by our friends at WellSpring ministries and held at Menlo Church. We’ll enter into moments of that pivotal week and meet Jesus--and allow Him to meet us--in profoundly personal ways. REGISTER HERE.

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Hope's Corner - March

Hope's Corner - March

Come and support the hungry in our immediate community with a team from Highway. We prepare and serve a hot morning meal at Hope’s Corner in downtown Mountain View on the first Wednesday of each month. We start at 7am and end at 9:30am.

The team leaders will provide all the needed training alongside you, so no special prep is needed. Sign up today!

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Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday

In the ancient church calendar, the days leading up to Easter are called the “Season of Lent”. This is a time where we focus our awareness on the frailties and brokenness of our world, and of our hearts, and consider the need we each have for Christ.

This season begins on Ash Wednesday and we invite you to gather at 7:30am on Wed, Feb 14, for a simple 30-minute morning service. We will experience songs, readings, prayers, and the administration of ashes. One of the unique aspects of this service is that we carry from it the sign of the cross on our foreheads throughout the day. This mark both invites conversation with others and it also causes us to remember, whenever we might catch our reflection, that it is God’s gift of life that sustains us.

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Hope's Corner - Feb

Hope's Corner - Feb

Come and support the hungry in our immediate community with a team from Highway. We prepare and serve a hot morning meal at Hope’s Corner in downtown Mountain View on the first Wednesday of each month. We start at 7am and end at 9:30am.

The team leaders will provide all the needed training alongside you, so no special prep is needed. Sign up today!

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Racial Justice Book Group - Kick Off

Racial Justice Book Group - Kick Off

Over the first months of 2024 the Racial Justice Group will be reading and discussing Latasha Morrisson's “Be the Bridge: Pursuing God's Heart for Racial Justice”. 

Gatherings will kick off Jan 21 and will continue on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month until June 2. This group meets on Zoom. Sign up here.

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Newcomer Lunch

Newcomer Lunch

Getting to know a new church and finding your place in the community can be a unique challenge. If you are new here at Highway, we want to meet you in that process!

Join our staff in a lunch-time setting and hear about the vision of the church, get to know the pastors, ask questions, and better understand the heartbeat of Highway.

These gatherings will be in  in our A1 multipurpose room (just off the patio) starting about 15 minutes after our morning worship service concludes. If you know that you’ll be coming, take a moment to SIGN UP HERE.

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Hope's Corner - Jan

Hope's Corner - Jan

Come and support the hungry in our immediate community with a team from Highway. We prepare and serve a hot morning meal at Hope’s Corner in downtown Mountain View on the first Wednesday of each month. We start at 7am and end at 9:30am.

The team leaders will provide all the needed training alongside you, so no special prep is needed. Sign up today!

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Christmas Eve (11pm)

Christmas Eve (11pm)

Will not be having a morning worship service on Christmas Eve Sunday. Instead, come at 5pm for a service of celebration and rejoicing, or come at 11pm for a tender time of delighting in Christ’s birth.

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Christmas Eve (5pm)

Christmas Eve (5pm)

Will not be having a morning worship service on Christmas Eve Sunday. Instead, come at 5pm for a service of celebration and rejoicing, or come at 11pm for a tender time of delighting in Christ’s birth.

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