
Serving In Many Way @ Highway
• Fill our worship gatherings with life and expression.
• Extend hospitality and an invitation to linger in friendship.
There are so many ways that your gifts can be a blessing on a Sunday here at Highway, come join in!
Worship Arts
The worshipping life of Highway is both a beautiful expression of our faith, and a setting in which our faith is shaped. In all the elements of our gatherings: words, songs, communion, and more, we share in a common work that blesses one another and gives glory to God.
Run the mixing board and work with the band to amplify and help make beautiful the music and speaking in a worship service.
Prepare the communion tables with bread, juice, and wine for worship services.
Lead the church in worship with voice or instrument in our worship services.
Design, build, and implement refreshment of the worship environment for both Sundays and seasonal events.
Coffee, tea, and hot chocolate help contribute to a warm welcome for our community and our guests. We brew the coffee on campus every Sunday morning. We also provide hot chocolate for kids ages 1-99.
MAKE COFFEE — Pick up half ‘n’ half, show up around 9:00, brew coffee, and set the table with cups, condiments, and fluids.
CLEAN UP COFFEE — Wait 30 minutes or so for the crowd to thin out, put away the table and fixins, and clean out the coffee and cream containers.