Ministry Partners
Matt & Coralie Brown
Working to welcome and care for arriving refugees, Matt & Coralie serve in Louisville with Kentucky Refugee Ministry as well as support Crescent Project’s efforts to help Christians move towards their Muslim neighbors with respectful love, understanding, and truth.
Footsteps Missions
Serving the forgotten, the orphaned, and the unjustly-treated children of the world, Footsteps labors to answer Christ’s call in a holistic way. Highway has been especially connected to the work in the communities of Honduras.
Lisa Gudan / University Christian Outreach
Serving on multiple campus in the Ann Arbor region of Michigan, Lisa and her UCO team work to build life-giving communities and encourage students to respond to the Gospel by putting their faith in Jesus and receiving new life in the Holy Spirit.
James & Sunita Puleo
Preparing to serve as City Co-Directors for Chicago with the Navigators. In this role we anticipate employing our combined passions, training, backgrounds and experience. Our hope is to engage our passion for connecting and empowering people and ministries, creating pathways for God to deepen, grow and transform the world. We believe God will do God-sized work in and through us in
Chicagoland! -
Hope Horizon
Equipping East Palo Alto and Belle Haven youth, the staff and volunteers of Hope Horizon (formerly Bayshore Christian Ministries) work to see young people grow spiritually, gain life skills, and develop as leaders so that they have hope and a future.
Reach Potential
Empowering the under-served of Sunnyvale and the mid-Peninsula, Reach Potential helps equip youth and families with leadership, learning, and foundational life skills to help inspire and restore their communities.
Ubel (Francisco) & Maribel
Building vibrant spiritual communities, Francisco and Maribel faithfully hold the gospel of Jesus and the warmth of fellowship together at the center of the Spanish-speaking fellowships that they lead in Palo Alto and Hollister.
Hope's Corner
Addressing food insecurity in the Mountain View community, Hope’s Corner works to provide a hot breakfast & bag lunch, an opportunity to take a shower, and a shared place for connection every Wed and Sat.
Amy & Steve Joh
Laboring as community builders, pastors, justice advocates and mobilizers, the Joh’s bring decades of pastoral and non-profit experience to the creation of new, innovative networks of small, missional spiritual communities.
New Creation Home
Living out God’s heart of love in East Palo Alto, New Creation Home works to foster long-term independence for at-risk mothers through parenting resources, supportive housing, and the friendship network of a caring community.
Highway's Missional Campus
Through our campus in Palo Alto, Highway is partnering with a variety of non-profits to care for refugees and the unsheltered, as well as help to build up small churches. Future goals include projects for job training, addressing food insecurity, and caring for vulnerable children.