Student Ministry
A Place to Belong
These years are key times in the development of students’ lives. Our ministry team is excited to come alongside in the search for a place of belonging. Our desire is for students’ identity to be rooted in Jesus, actively following him in their daily lives.
We seek to engage students through caring, safe relationships with peers and leaders who walk together in this significant time of life.
for Students on Sundays
Each Sunday all ages at Highway gather together in the auditorium for worship.
Part way into the service, students break away to meet intentionally as a group and sharing in conversation and discipleship together.
Middle School
6, 7, and 8th Grade. As they begin to live a bit more autonomous from parents and guardians, middle school students are also beginning to find out what passions truly spark their interest. They’re are asking deep and meaningful questions about life and faith. Our hope is to lean into some of these conversations as we journey together in community.
9th-12th Grade Students gather together each Sunday with committed volunteers to laugh, share life experiences, and work out together what following Jesus can look like in the context of their homes and schools.
Contact Family Ministry Pastor Cris Otonari